2007年4月25日 星期三

RSS extensions


1. 下載 rss.php 檔案。

2. 下載magpierss。http://magpierss.sourceforge.net/

3. 修改rss.php 檔案內容

4. 使用參數

* charset= The charset used by the feed. iconv is used to convert this. (設定編碼)
* short Do not show the description text for each news item.(設定簡短描述)
* max=x Shows x most recent headlines. (設定筆數)
* highlight= term1 term2 The terms separated by a space are highlighted.
* filter= term1 term2 Show only rss items containing at least one of the terms. (設定篩選參數)
* reverse display the rss items in reverse order.
* title=x display an alternative title instead of chanel name.
* title = none dont display any title.
# * date display the date and time stamp below the title.
